Baby Mania

3 Oct

So this is mainly focused toward the lovely married women I know. Actually, scratch that it can be related to any woman.

Does everyone go through baby mania when you’re first married? I mean like wanting a baby so badly that you consider dropping out a school?

Or is it just me?

Now don’t go crazy or anything, I’m not going to drop out of school. I’ve only considered it. Kind of like how you consider eating cookie dough in the morning for breakfast. Wait, I’ve done that. Bad example. I’m hoping you’re following my train of thought.

Also, practically, it would be a nightmare having a child. For a couple of reasons (don’t worry I’ve made a list):

  1. Those little buggers are so dang expensive.
  2. We live in a one-bedroom apartment, away from all family and sanity.
  3. I’m selfish. I like my sleep. I like having my husband all to myself.
  4. I want to travel.

With these reasons, it sounds like I am not fit to have a child, at least not right now. But part of me says, am I willing to give this up to learn of the joy of having a child? My first instinct is yes, and then it quickly shifts to a “Goodness, no!”

What to do, what to do?

I’m going to go with not have a child. But, boy, am I looking forward to starting a family!

Love and cuddly things,


Hello world!

24 Sep

Hello all! So there was a little shift in the blog world from Blogspot to WordPress. No real reason. I just like the look of WordPress better.


School, work, and marriage is excellent. School actually isn’t that difficult or trying. What actually keeps me busy is my job with Off-Campus Housing and my extracurriculars. I enjoy being busy. Most of the time. When I’m tired and feel like curling up in bed with a cup of hot chocolate, I’m not feeling a ton of joy.

Also, Dust is currently unemployed. Not a whole ton of fun either. But we are very hopeful he will be employed in the near future.

Man, this blog isn’t very upbeat. I must be just a little tired or something.

I’m going to go to bed. Night.

Love T.